... See I was on a road trip to Algonquin Park with a buddy and a buddy of my buddy. I'll call them Hippie and the friend just for anonymous purposes... Anyhow it was the ride back and all the discussions we had on the week-end that made me think. Up to a certain point, we all reach some sort of equal threshold as far as it comes to critical thinking... I mean, many of us do not apply it everyday or some days... or just ever but we still all have the skills, technically acquired through the institutional education system. Believe you me, I spent the whole week-end arguing with the Hippie and the friend... Well I came up with many conclusions but only one I believe might have far-reaching possibilities tentaculing in front of itself... pardon my literary freedom on this one.
Anyhow, I believe that if we all had access and knowledge of the same data, in 2/3 of the times, we would agree.
I believe that a fundamental barrier to comprehension and dialogue is a misconception and blatant ignorance (Well the information is usually obscure so use this one with discretion) of facts based on it's method of reliance. The world of today gets it's information from so many sources. In many circumstances, this is a boon as it stops the elite from misappropriating the news and to manipulate the distribution of data to their advantage. An issue is that of the present, most medias of different names are still all held under only a disparate numbers of paramount umbrellas who impose their agendas but that shall not be the discussion of today, but we will definitely come back to it, just remind me...
But, to come back to the disparate dispersion of data. An issue of today is that news have actually moved from their neutral position from a century ago and have now definitely moved into the opinion section. As much as the reporters try to be neutral we can always read an intention within the choice of words, the structure of the phrases, just within the shadowed and exposed positions of the story. It is only through a research of the story and different medias that one can actually find a clear picture of the issue.
A problem with today's society is that it always living in the now. I mean, it is better to live today than dwell within the past but to a certain point, history actually really does have something to tell us. Understanding of our past can only help us understand the present and try to predict the future. I would not venture to be able to predict the future but from the facts I have accumulated I can pose certain hypothesis.
The main argument between societies does not extend to misunderstanding but to an incomplete understanding of the data available. Only from the past can we have a telling of the future. See, most people see events only as disparate things, the day news... or a week stories, or nowadays when they have nothing to write about.. a month old story (trial stories), but current society needs change, Snap, Snap, Snap, People live in the moment but we have lost the whole perspective... yes 100 years ago is really old but what is happening today, no matter what, is still a direct consequence of then, and that is something that modern society has been forgetting.
The hubris of the modern society shall be it's Achilles Heel. People have forgotten to look to their roots, the origins, people of today live claiming the right to old age security, pension plans and others... Do they truly understand that they are the first in a thousand generation to actually get this benefit? How can they claim it is inhumane to survive on the benefits they receive... I will not disagree the amounts... for today's prices it's ridiculous, someone who rents would have more than a hard time surviving on the meager amounts of OAS, CPP and GIS.
But stop there....... Do they realize they are the first generation entitled to this kind of benefit?? I mean we are the ones who are actually paying for those pensions.... and we believe there might have been some misconceptions and unrealistic statistic used in their plans paying for their today's pensions, because, so happens, we're the ones paying for them, which I don't really mind if it wasn't for something I'm a million times more afraid of....
Do you Understand, that us, thirties people pensions, will be paid for mostly by the people who are in their current teens, early twenties... I don't know about you but, I understand the elder generation was worried about us but even with our Demonic Metal music, drug-trying, raves, techno, we still held somewhat the elder in respect and behaved within the realms of society, i mean we pushed but we rioted at least for social causes not for drunkenness... yes times two! The teens of today have lost all control and understanding... Now, I'm only 27 but believe you me, back in my days if you were 12 and saw a 20 years old, you didn't walk up to him and call him names in a row, than run away and even get back to it many times.... we actually held our elders if not in respect, in a fearful respect..... Might be the wrong one but god damn it, at least it was still respect...
I believe in physical punishment, I've known it, most people I know have known it and we all agree today, we needed the lessons, they hurt, but they stuck and we're still doing some of those things today because of yesterday's lessons. There has been a lost in the right to education of parents. Slowly throughout the decades, the education systems have been slowly whittling at the rights of parents to raise their own children....
It is about time, some of us remember that the origins of society and state was a contract made between the citizens and the state. We acknowledged to submit to certain rules for the right to enjoy the security and other benefits of society, somehow through time they have been slowly through centuries whittling at those original rights our ancestors agreed to. If they were presented with today's rules, they would laugh and go to war and joyfully die for their honor and right to freedom.... Today's society has lost it's roots and is in deep need of renaissance and rediscovery, we have surrendered our most basic rights and freedom and haven't even realized it... We're truly not far from the exploited cattle used, worked and abused through it's life to end up benefiting the richest, just one more step before they use as as fertilizer after charging us for the burial.... not even only to the States but worst even, the corporations with which we technically do not even have an actual civil contract... And see what the States do with it...
But, to come back to the requirement of facts. I have participated in many discussions, debates, national, provincial, regional, scholarly, university, high school, yes I'll include kindergarten for the cynics! :) and I have to say with experience and most here will argue most debates are not really about the question itself but the definition of the terms, because with the same basic facts and a same definition of terms.... cultural thinking should not be affected by culture, races, intelligence or any of the other distinctive we have used in the past. In fact, with most same basic facts, most people would instinctively agree on many of the definitions of what's right and wrong. That base from primitive, uneducated and as such uninfluenced children might be the closest evidence we might have from our primate, savage nature's beliefs. The man of today is a result of millions of year of evolution, as well as societal evolution but even more deeply within it's psyche, I believe that it is now the result of it's decade. Just like today we call generations, X, Y, Z, we can see the differences in culture, not amongst different cultural, ethnic historic backgrounds but principally within the same age group which might be, well I will affirm IS, a direct result of today's globalization. and an Impact of the Today mass-produced so-called news.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Worthless Academics
Buenos Dias my dear readers, today let's discuss the fact they were proud in the news to inform us a new study had determined that global warming AK.A. climate change, might end up endangering outdoor ice rinks. Let me be stunned for a second, maybe two...
We'll count this as one... Should I really ask the question what are my taxes for? Well for one, rejoyce, England is the one wasting this money, the study comes from The Brits and so we shall understand they like spending on frivolous things, like Royalty. Well let's give them a chance, but now, let's study the results just so we can make fun of them with an accurate common-sense dotted somewhat smart study: Regions that are being hit the hardest are the Prairies, southeastern British Columbia and southern Ontario and Quebec. (Here's a CBC Link, hope they don't change it anytime soon). Is it me or aren't those the regions producing the most climate-change-causing gases? Couldn't we have figured out this correlation without spending thousands? I mean I believe in economy, but how about a product-full economy, but I'll leave it at that... B.C.. Teachers.....
We'll count this as one... Should I really ask the question what are my taxes for? Well for one, rejoyce, England is the one wasting this money, the study comes from The Brits and so we shall understand they like spending on frivolous things, like Royalty. Well let's give them a chance, but now, let's study the results just so we can make fun of them with an accurate common-sense dotted somewhat smart study: Regions that are being hit the hardest are the Prairies, southeastern British Columbia and southern Ontario and Quebec. (Here's a CBC Link, hope they don't change it anytime soon). Is it me or aren't those the regions producing the most climate-change-causing gases? Couldn't we have figured out this correlation without spending thousands? I mean I believe in economy, but how about a product-full economy, but I'll leave it at that... B.C.. Teachers.....
Monday, March 5, 2012
Loyalty to the Party
Hoy, I am tired of the bickering, of the wasting that keeps on happening around us. I love politics, I did my bachelor in political sciences, yet I just don’t know where to get involved. In the last election, I voted for the NDP, I agree with some of their ideals, but I guess what counted the most was that we all saw someone of integrity in Jack. For the elections of 2006/2008, I voted conservative both times, and before that? Liberals, because I voted for the one who seemed to have the best plan at the time. I agreed more with their ideas at the time than the other parties. For one thing Harper promised to increase Canada's activity in the Arctic, 5 months ago,..... so about 5 years late, he's finally said he's going to build us the promised ships Well, thank you for that, but I am stopping at the F-35 jets, Now that's a no-go for me and it sounds like it's going to be a pretty costly mistake, new technology needs to be proven and specially adapted to our environment, but then, who can tell what it's going to be like in 30 years, Now, I digress...
I mostly voted NDP in the last election in the hope that we would end up with another Conservative minority and the NDP as the major opposition. Well, we certainly got the NDP in the opposition which is probably one of the best thing to have happened to this country. On the other hand, having the Conservatives in power would have been acceptable, if only in another minority as we could have held a check on him (Well come on we all know that Stephen Harper and Conservative Party of Canada are interchangeable.... hopefully not mass-produced) in some instances, just as the new Omnibus Crime Bill C-10... well that shall be all for now on this issue, but let's start looking at the global picture locally, with our own MP's, I'd be curious to see the House of Common filled with a good half of independents, maybe then we'd see something happening, I mean at this point I could almost take a bunch of drunken Vickings
What I mean is I understand the principle of the party line is to make sure there is coherence, and I'm not too sure how it actually works out in most party as to the new directions to make, I should probably have a look at the Liberals if they're serious about taking a new approach and changing the gears. Anyhow, a little more independence of thought might bring you the parties closer to the public in my opinion because we're not all left or right, I believe that a good majority just follow their good sense and are tired of seeing parties fall in the pitfall of sticking to one-side or of just standing in the centre as confused as someone at the grocery before a shelf of Catsup & Ketchup. It's about time, we start looking at alternatives.
I mostly voted NDP in the last election in the hope that we would end up with another Conservative minority and the NDP as the major opposition. Well, we certainly got the NDP in the opposition which is probably one of the best thing to have happened to this country. On the other hand, having the Conservatives in power would have been acceptable, if only in another minority as we could have held a check on him (Well come on we all know that Stephen Harper and Conservative Party of Canada are interchangeable.... hopefully not mass-produced) in some instances, just as the new Omnibus Crime Bill C-10... well that shall be all for now on this issue, but let's start looking at the global picture locally, with our own MP's, I'd be curious to see the House of Common filled with a good half of independents, maybe then we'd see something happening, I mean at this point I could almost take a bunch of drunken Vickings
What I mean is I understand the principle of the party line is to make sure there is coherence, and I'm not too sure how it actually works out in most party as to the new directions to make, I should probably have a look at the Liberals if they're serious about taking a new approach and changing the gears. Anyhow, a little more independence of thought might bring you the parties closer to the public in my opinion because we're not all left or right, I believe that a good majority just follow their good sense and are tired of seeing parties fall in the pitfall of sticking to one-side or of just standing in the centre as confused as someone at the grocery before a shelf of Catsup & Ketchup. It's about time, we start looking at alternatives.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Let's talk about Jessie Sansone
I expect most you all indiscrete readers to be unaware of Jessie Sanson's case, for those who know, well here's a brief recap. 4 year old daughter draws a picture of daddy killing villains with a gun. Needless to say, teacher reacts with concern, involved principal to protect herself, principal contacts child services, child services contact police, police shows, up, police publicly arrest, strip-search, detain, and search property of Jessie Sansone. Turns out, he never owned a gun in his life, closest item to a pistol found is a plastic gun toy. Well, Jessie Sansone seems to want to lay the story rest and be done with it. Well I'm sorry to bring it up again but this is the erosion of our social privacy and rights that becomes more and more subjucated to dysfunctional institutions. Not only are those institutions claim they acted in good faith, they say they'd do it Again. The premier of Ontario, Dalton McGuinty (don't worry there will be further posts on the rat-man) lauds the school.
Okay, I'll leave the politics, we're still only on the second post here, but doesn't anyone see something wrong here. The best argument so far advanced by the school is "co-parenting". When did we sign over the right to parent. Children are sent to school for education, not parenting. And That is where the issue is, the line between both seems to have blurred. One thing I agree is there's terrible parents out there just like there are great parents. They're are terrible teachers and there are awesome teachers. Teachers receive their degree based on the fact they are able to intelligently communicate information (will someone please remind that teacher of this fact for me, please!) as in teach, share knowledge. Where did they become specialist in raising and providing the cultural/ethical background to children. Where do they come imposing their our values? I'm sorry but I haven't yet seen a parent course as a requirement to become a teacher. Well let me tell you one thing, That's out of Mandate!
I feel this is getting long, so I'll leave the issue as it is but after all the movements,, win back our city, win back our country, win back our economy...... maybe we should start by Claiming Back our Right to Raise our own children!!!
Okay, I'll leave the politics, we're still only on the second post here, but doesn't anyone see something wrong here. The best argument so far advanced by the school is "co-parenting". When did we sign over the right to parent. Children are sent to school for education, not parenting. And That is where the issue is, the line between both seems to have blurred. One thing I agree is there's terrible parents out there just like there are great parents. They're are terrible teachers and there are awesome teachers. Teachers receive their degree based on the fact they are able to intelligently communicate information (will someone please remind that teacher of this fact for me, please!) as in teach, share knowledge. Where did they become specialist in raising and providing the cultural/ethical background to children. Where do they come imposing their our values? I'm sorry but I haven't yet seen a parent course as a requirement to become a teacher. Well let me tell you one thing, That's out of Mandate!
I feel this is getting long, so I'll leave the issue as it is but after all the movements,, win back our city, win back our country, win back our economy...... maybe we should start by Claiming Back our Right to Raise our own children!!!
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Human Rights for Whales and Dolphins
I've been reading the news recently on the Extension of our (still-Idealist) Human Rights to cover the poor species that which are whales and dolphins. You know what, I have nothing against dolphins or whales, they're awesome as much as I care for fish (Yes I know, whales are mammals, doesn't change the fact they don't live on land), but, how about we start enforcing the rules we've set up decades ago for Humans before we start making up new ones for other species.
Let's wait until we can feed every single Human children on Earth before we start talking about protecting dolphins from starvation because we'd be overstepping a major step here. Isn't the smartest strategy to strengthen what you already control until you're ready to expand. It is about time, we Yell, "STOP" wasting my money, we don't need a panel on Human Rights for Dolphins. "Where is the help for my children?" How about we extend those rights to the humans who live on our territory and don't even get appropriate schooling? Just a Thought...
Let's wait until we can feed every single Human children on Earth before we start talking about protecting dolphins from starvation because we'd be overstepping a major step here. Isn't the smartest strategy to strengthen what you already control until you're ready to expand. It is about time, we Yell, "STOP" wasting my money, we don't need a panel on Human Rights for Dolphins. "Where is the help for my children?" How about we extend those rights to the humans who live on our territory and don't even get appropriate schooling? Just a Thought...
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