I expect most you all indiscrete readers to be unaware of Jessie Sanson's case, for those who know, well here's a brief recap. 4 year old daughter draws a picture of daddy killing villains with a gun. Needless to say, teacher reacts with concern, involved principal to protect herself, principal contacts child services, child services contact police, police shows, up, police publicly arrest, strip-search, detain, and search property of Jessie Sansone. Turns out, he never owned a gun in his life, closest item to a pistol found is a plastic gun toy. Well, Jessie Sansone seems to want to lay the story rest and be done with it. Well I'm sorry to bring it up again but this is the erosion of our social privacy and rights that becomes more and more subjucated to dysfunctional institutions. Not only are those institutions claim they acted in good faith, they say they'd do it Again. The premier of Ontario, Dalton McGuinty (don't worry there will be further posts on the rat-man) lauds the school.
Okay, I'll leave the politics, we're still only on the second post here, but doesn't anyone see something wrong here. The best argument so far advanced by the school is "co-parenting". When did we sign over the right to parent. Children are sent to school for education, not parenting. And That is where the issue is, the line between both seems to have blurred. One thing I agree is there's terrible parents out there just like there are great parents. They're are terrible teachers and there are awesome teachers. Teachers receive their degree based on the fact they are able to intelligently communicate information (will someone please remind that teacher of this fact for me, please!) as in teach, share knowledge. Where did they become specialist in raising and providing the cultural/ethical background to children. Where do they come imposing their our values? I'm sorry but I haven't yet seen a parent course as a requirement to become a teacher. Well let me tell you one thing, That's out of Mandate!
I feel this is getting long, so I'll leave the issue as it is but after all the movements,, win back our city, win back our country, win back our economy...... maybe we should start by Claiming Back our Right to Raise our own children!!!
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