Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Worthless Academics

Buenos Dias my dear readers, today let's discuss the fact they were proud in the news to inform us a new study had determined that global warming AK.A. climate change, might end up endangering outdoor ice rinks. Let me be stunned for a second, maybe two...

We'll count this as one... Should I really ask the question what are my taxes for? Well for one, rejoyce, England is the one wasting this money, the study comes from The Brits and so we shall understand they like spending on frivolous things, like Royalty. Well let's give them a chance, but now, let's study the results just so we can make fun of them with an accurate common-sense dotted somewhat smart study: Regions that are being hit the hardest are the Prairies, southeastern British Columbia and southern Ontario and Quebec. (Here's a CBC Link, hope they don't change it anytime soon). Is it me or aren't those the regions producing the most climate-change-causing gases? Couldn't we have figured out this correlation without spending thousands? I mean I believe in economy, but how about a product-full economy, but I'll leave it at that... B.C.. Teachers.....

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